Change of supplier

The process for change of supplier is defined in the Supply rules approved by Energy Regulatory Commission.

The supplier switching process is processed in three weeks. The supplier switch date is always on the first day of the month. The request is being generated automatically by a Switching List (MK) and the created .csv file should be delivered to the Distribution System Operator.

On the following link you can find the Instructions for change of supplier (MK) 

The process can be terminated in the following cases:

  • there is already started process for change of supplier;
  • incorrect information in the request for change of supplier;
  • the customer is being supplied by other customer;
  • There is already started procedure for disconnection of customer requested by the previous supplier;
  • There is already started procedure for disconnection of customer by DSO.
* The communication between the suppliers and DSO is done in the Application for suppliers.

Supplier switching calendar