Frequently asked questions about measuring electricity consumption

1. What is the reference period (from - to) for the amount of electricity consumed calculated in the electricity bills? Is the meter reading period 35 days? Does this mean that the next bill will be lower because the meter reading will be, say, in 25 days?

Consumers, i.e. households, are divided into four reading weeks during the month and calculations are prepared for the exact reading dates according to those periods. This is done to increase the efficiency of reading.
In the calculation period, between two readings, it may happen that there are sometimes more than 30 days, and sometimes fewer than 30 days, but in both cases the consumption is always calculated as daily consumption and the blocks are applied to daily consumption.
Accordingly, it has never happened and there is not even the slightest possibility that the consumer will enter a higher/lower block due to a higher/lower number of invoiced days. The consumption is always distributed accordingly. Detailed explanation at the following link.

2. How were the days in December and those in January separated in the invoices, given that there was an increase in electricity prices from January 1?

The electronic meters owned by Elektrodistribucija have the ability to display data on consumption until December 31 at 00:00, i.e. they can accurately separate the consumption made until December 31 from the consumption made from January 1 onwards.
These separate consumption periods are also transparently displayed in the invoices. A different price is applied for the two periods separately, in accordance with the pricing decision.
For each of the listed periods, consumption is calculated on a daily level and consumption by blocks is calculated accordingly in the two periods, before and after 00:00 on December 31.

3. Do you read the meters regularly and how is the entire reading process organized?

According to the Electricity Supply Rules, the obligation of ELEKTRODISTRIBUCIJA DOOEL Skopje is to read the meters once every three months. Despite the flexible legal regulations, the teams of ELEKTRODISTRIBUCIJA DOEEL Skopje make maximum efforts to perform regular monthly meter readings.
The percentage of read meters on a monthly basis is around 85%, and this percentage increases to 95% within just three months. Those 15% of unread meters on a monthly basis include inaccessible closed metering devices and customers in certain rural areas that are not accessible throughout the year. They are read at the first available opportunity in the following period immediately after the unsuccessful reading. Annually, only about 3% of the meters remain unread, and only in the case of multiple unsuccessful attempts and completely inaccessible facilities. The meters are read throughout the month and are divided into 4 reading periods. For example, in December 2024 and January 2025, the meters were read throughout the entire month, as follows:

December 2024
  • 1st reading group: from December 2 to 6, 2024;
  • 2nd reading group: from December 10 to 16, 2024;
  • 3rd reading group: from December 17 to 23, 2024;
  • 4th reading group: from December 24 to 30, 2024.
January 2025
  • 1st reading group: from 2 to 10 January 2025;
  • 2nd reading group: from January 13 to 17, 2025;
  • 3rd reading group: from January 17 to 23, 2025;
  • 4th reading group: from January 24 to 30, 2025.

4. Is Elektrodistribucija obliged to read my meter every month?

Despite the legal obligation for quarterly reading, about 85% of meters are read every month. However, there are meters that are installed in the premises of the customers and they cannot be read if the customer is not present when the meter reading employee comes to read the meter. In any case, the first subsequent reading period will take into account the actually measured quantities.

5. Can customers report consumption amounts themselves in order to avoid forecasted invoices?

All customers who wish to report meter readings themselves can do so through the platform EVN Online or in the reception offices of the Consumer Energy Centers (KEC) by delivery in earmarked boxes. On the platform, customers can find information about the procedure, which is explained in detail.
For electric meters that cannot be read during the month, invoices are prepared based on forecasted consumption, where the basis is the consumption curve and consumption during the last 12 months. Customers can submit the read-out statuses from the meters on the EVN Online platform in the section Report consumption or in the following ways: It is important to note that self-reading data will only be taken into account if the customer has reported it in his or her appropriate reading week. Information about the reading week is displayed on each invoice. The reading plan by reading groups for 2025 is available here. It is also important to note that if the meter has been read, and for the same period the customer has submitted read-out data, the reading data will be taken into account when preparing the invoice.

6. How many requests for consumption correction did you receive in the period December 24/January 2025 and how many of them were accepted/founded?

The number of requests for correction of reported balances in the period December 2024/January 2025 is 15,000 and is 20% lower than in the period December 2023/January 2024. Only 2,200 (15%) requests for correction were founded and for them the invoices were corrected.

7. The electricity consumption on my invoice does not match the electricity consumption on my meter. Where can I report the difference to have it corrected?

A request for invoice correction is submitted in one of the following ways: In order to correct an invoice, it is necessary to submit data about the customer number, meter number and meter readings for 1.8.1-peak and 1.8.2-off-peak tariffs. In accordance with Article 43 of the Electricity Supply Rules, available here, if during the review of the complaint it is determined that the reason for disputing the invoice is an incorrect calculation, within 8 days from the date of receipt of the complaint a new calculation (invoice) will be prepared and the supplier will deliver it to the consumer, setting a payment deadline that cannot be shorter than 20 days from the date of receipt of the new calculation (invoice).
More information is available at the following link.

8. Can I be certain that the meter is measuring electricity consumption correctly?

All meters installed at the customers' premises are previously verified (calibrated and sealed) by both the State Bureau of Metrology and by Elektrodistribucija. The verification guarantees the accuracy of the measurement. As for the reading, the meters are read remotely and locally with an optical probe and there is no room for error in reading. For meters that are not available for reading, an assessment is made based on previous historical data.

9. How is consumption estimated when the meter has not been read?

For meters that cannot be read during the month, invoices are prepared based on forecasted consumption, where the basis is the consumption curve and consumption during the last 12 months.

10. My meter is remote, why do I have a machine estimate?

Remote meters are read via remote communication. Sometimes, due to communication problems in the network, the measured data cannot be transferred from the meters to the central processing database. In any case, the actual measured quantities will be taken into account in the next reading period.

11. For the first time, I noticed on my electricity bill that I am entering block 4. Is it possible that a mistake has been made?

For the consumption of customers who enter the fourth block for the first time, a "system notification" appears and they are always individually checked by Elektrodistribucija. This process is carried out before the invoice is delivered to the customer.
This checking mechanism was introduced after the introduction of block tariffs. In such a case, if entering the fourth block is a consequence of previous unread monthly balances, i.e. unbilled kilowatt-hours, the invoice is immediately corrected. Corrections are made for the entire period (from the previous reading to the last reading), and accordingly, the consumption is also distributed appropriately by block tariffs for the entire period between the two readings.
The same method of corrections is also carried out upon a request for correction of an invoice by a customer. Additionally, an invoice prepared on the basis of estimated consumption does not automatically mean a higher electricity invoice. It may also contain lower forecasted values. This means that in practice it may happen that the customer has consumed less or more than the forecasted values ​​in the invoice and the appropriate corrections are made.